Saturday, April 17, 2010

Got a new purse

I went shopping with my friend this morning at the mall we were looking for the early morning special. We were tired of walking all over the store looking for anything we would like to buy. She bought herself a pair of new shoes while I bought myself another new purse and two shirts for my son. When I told my husband who was at work about the purse I bought he was laughing on me. I always buy purses but they end up in the closet and never used. I told him this time it was different I will use this one and hide my old purse. I asked him what he was doing at work and he said he was putting pond light in the small pond at work. After talking to my husband I transferred all the stuff from my old purse into my new one and put the old one in the closet. I do not want to see it because it might change my mind again. I have been using my old purse for three years now.

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