Sunday, February 7, 2010

maybe tomorrow

In a few minutes my husband will be home from work and he will see that I still have not cut Izabella’s hair. A couple weeks ago I cut Elizabeth bangs because they were covering her eyes. I did not want to cut her hair but my husband said if I did not cut it he would. For many days I keep telling him tomorrow I cut Izabella’s hair and that tomorrow never came. I do not like to cut Izabella’s bangs but if I put hair pin in it will stays out of her eyes for a few minutes and after she pulls them out. But I have to tell my husband again that maybe tomorrow.


AiDiSan said...

i brought my daughter in a parlor for a new hairdo, from long to short for a change and in preparation for the summer season. i guess you have to follow your hubby's request to do something your daughter's hair.

please visit my blog as I already new posts.

☆Mama Ko☆ said...

Uy kasayang jul, ipataas iya hair hehe, sus ang bana man mo tupi ug dili matupihan hehehe.

Chubskulit Rose said...

Happy valentine's day Julz!